Banking System

Returns to be submitted in XBRL formats as per taxonomy published by RBI. The CDR should be populated with clean and valid data and should synchronize financial and non-financial data from various source systems of the bank. Eliminate multiple data version by creating single version of data at any point of time. Provide integrated system with existing Source systems (CBS, Treasury, CIS, HRM, LAPS, etc) and other applications.


HRMS- Human resource management system (HRMS) is the art, science and technology of acquiring and engaging a productive workforce. It goes beyond the traditional HR roles of facilitating and managing recruitment, payroll and benefits, and seeks to understand the value of employees assess their operational effectiveness and manage the acquisition of skills and knowledge.

Ind-e-Cash (PNB erupaya)

In 2020 Reserve Bank of India initiated 1st COHORT Testing for Offline solutions. Indian Bank participated in the SANDBOX testing with IND-e-Cash, NFC based solution with its technical partner Natural Support Consultancy Services (P) Ltd. who had qualified for the same at RBI. SANDBOX testing was conducted at Ghargal Village in Solan, Himachal Pradesh, The testing was found successful at RBI (letter enclosed).


ERP is the lifeline for any organization. e-MAPS, provides Budget Management, Fund Management, Accounting, Inventory, Purchase and Sale Management, AR and AP, Taxation (TDS and GST), Bank, Stock and beyond.ERP is the lifeline for any organization and Natural with over 20 years of experience of delivering solutions to the banking sector now dwells into this area and presents e-MAPS.

UID in Block Chain

  1. Blockchain is a distributed ledger in a P2P network.
  2. Consider group of nodes trying to maintain a blockchain.
  3. Its like internet of trust and transparency.
  4. Every node keeps copy of entire blockchain.
  5. Each block like page in ledger.
  6. Page once written in the ledger cannot be changed.

C kyc

  • The Central KYC (cKYC) has been brought in to make the life easier for investors as well as for service providers
  • Central KYC (CKYC) registry acts as a centralized KYC repository which stores information/documents pertaining to a customer who is undertaking a financial transaction or availing a financial service.


CoBaSys: -Core Banking System and allied products (CBS) CoBaSys CBS is Web based Core Banking Solution which is platform and database independent system giving the freedom to be deployed on any operating system and database. CoBaSys CBS is built on 3 tier web architecture. It is built on scalable technology with robust functionality. It supports a range of retail banking and wholesale commercial banking activities. It also offers rich functionality in its Customer Information System.


  • Customer requests through different platforms like Google Ads, FB etc. we have provided our API for landing those leads in our application.
  • Back office executive will approach the customer and after discussion completes the customer information and requirement of solar panel installation and change the Category of Job.
  • Application Generates a quotation based on requirements provided by customer and sends the same to customer’s email along with payment link.
  • Customer pays the amount and acknowledgement comes to sales team through mail

Internet & mobile Banking

Internet and Mobiles banking are considered as a trustworthy and safe request mechanism without conforming customer signatures. This is one of the fastest growing technologies being used in the stage of globalization in banking sector. Today the time has come when the customer does not travel to the bank branch. The time spent on travelling will be spent on something more fruitful and beneficial activities. The customer wants and desires 24 * 7 working. Computer / Laptops/ Tablet and Smart phones are the new bank.


  1. It is estimated $220 Billion loans will be disbursed by end of 2020 via fintechs.
  2. Traditional Lenders are entering fast in this space to compete with fintechs
  3. Key Factors Driving Digital Lending are mainly the Millennium Generation , Digital Technology, New enabled Regulatory environment and innovative operating models Internet and Mobiles Banking Today the time has come when the customer does not travel to the bank branch. The time spent on travelling will be spent on something more fruitful and beneficial activities. The customer wants and desires 24 * 7 working. Computer / Laptops/ Tablet and Smart phones are the new bank.

SMS Alerts

  1. Deposit Account Balance Enquiry.
  2. Customer will get mobile alert if there is a cheque bounce in their account.
  3. DEBIT ALERT – informs you about any debits (above a particular limit) to your account.
  4. CREDIT ALERT informs you about any credits (above a particular limit) to your account.
  5. BALANCE ALERT – informs you about account balance at regular intervals (daily/weekly/monthly).
  6. SALARY CREDIT ALERT informs you when salary is credited to the account.
  7. OVERDRAFT ALERT informs you when the account balance gets overdrawn.
  8. BELOW BALANCE ALERT informs you when the account balance goes below the specified threshold limit.
  9. Loan installment is due.
  10. Alert on failed standing instructions.


  • This is used by GOI to transfer funds to Beneficiary and Vendor accounts held in various banks.
  • Eg. Swachh Bharat Mission pays for work done by a vendor through PFMS. The department may have account in a bank like SBI and vendor in any coop. bank. The funds travel from PFMS to coop. bank account through this solution.
  • Similarly beneficiaries of MNREGA will get payment through PFMS.
  • The solution is integrated with CBS of the bank.

AML System

It is designed to provide financial institutions with a simple to deploy, low operating cost and highly effective solution for compliance with AML regulations. Product Details: AMLSys (AML) • Comprehensive AML compliance program (KYC, CTR, STR, NTR and CCR) through a single platform.

  • KYC – Know Your Customer.
  • CTR – Cash Transaction Report.
  • STR – Suspicious Transaction Report
  • CCR – Counterfeit Currency Report.
  • NTR – Non-profit Transaction Report.
  • Compliance to evolving RBI/FATF mandates.
  • Customer risk assessment using detailed customer information and transaction activities to investigate all aspects of customer’s profile.


e-HR is a customizable and easy to use web based application covering the entire life cycle of an employee from Recruitment to Resignation or Retirement. Develop a single and integrated view of employee information across all departments using IT ,Provide timely & reliable management information relating to human resources for effective decision making ,Provide tools for forecasting future cash flows of the State in respect of salaries and pensions ,Integration with other related applications such as Treasury, Payroll etc. Provide ‘single window’ services to employees ,Reduce administrative overhead for the HR professionals, Provide accurate and unified view of the employees and the employment to the administrators,Provide simple, accurate and timely information to the employees, Reduce the paperwork,Reduce technical complexities related to data management.


Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, Department of Official Language (Technical Cell), vide their Office Memorandum No.12015/12/84-OL(TC) dated the 31st Aug, 1987 directed that all Ministries / Departments, their attached and subordinate offices, Government undertakings and banks, inter-alia, to keep in view the following instructions while procuring electronic equipment :-

  • All computer systems (including computers, word processors, Advanced Ledger Posting Machines, Data Entry equipment etc.)
    are to be purchased only in bilingual form.
  • These orders shall apply to all Ministries/Departments of the Central Government, their attached and subordinate office, all companies and corporations owned or controlled by the Central Government, banks, commissions, committees and authorities appointed by the Central Government.