Custom Solutions, Endless Possibilities for Startups and Enterprises


Credit At Doorstep


    It is estimated $220 Billion loans will be disbursed by end of 2020 via fintechs

    Traditional Lenders are entering fast in this space to compete with fintechs

    Key Factors Driving Digital Lending are mainly the Millennium Generation , Digital Technology, New enabled Regulatory environment and innovative operating models

    Digital Touch points


    India has a market of $ 1 Trillion in next 5 years

    Post Covid 19 Digital Lending will be key drivers

    2.2X Increase in Retail Loan Disbursement

    Create Schemes



    Product Creation

    Eligibility define


    Access Right

    Deviation Parameter

    Monitoring Parameter

    Document parameter

    Charges Parameter

    NPA Parameter

    Loan Securitization Parameter


    Business Card

    Document Upload

    Loan Interview

    Loan Application

    Field Investigation

    Loan Appraisal







    Monitoring (90 Day Cycle)

    SMS Alerts

    Reminder letter

    Telephonic Contact

    Personal contact

    Registered letter

    Contact to Guarantor

    NPA Management

    Suit File/Protested

    Legal Action


    Customer Engagement


    Monitoring (90 Day Cycle)

    100% API driven

    Anything and everything is API interfaced with our backend

    We can create UI for you on Web and Mobile

    You can pick up solutions and link to our Backend seamlessly using API’s

    API’s integrations done by us:

    • With Finnacle for Punjab National Bank
    • With TCS for Indian Bank and Central Bank of India
    • With PFMS for SNA system for Indian Bank
    • With PFMS for various Banks
    • With CKYC for various Banks
    • With TCS and Finnacle for AML

    Customer Acquisition

    Create Potential Customer Database

    Import Potential Customer Database

    Contact Potential Customers

    Data Capturing of the Customer through Interview method

    CIBIL data verification

    ITR and GST data verification with direct interface from Portals

    Document Upload as required

    Filed Investigation

    Sanction or Rejection

    Role of DSA

    The role of the DSA shall be concentrated in customer acquisition and Pre-sanction activities along with Loan Recovery. DSA shall be required to :
    • generate leads
    • Mature them with necessary data captured using Mobile tools
    • collect loan application forms and other related / required documents
    • forward the same to the HUB for further action at theirs.
    • At the HUB, leads which have been forwarded by DSA shall be followed up at the level of Credit Appraisal Team Member for their eventual conversion into business gains for the Bank in terms of Bank’s laid down policy guidelines
    • Collect Loan Installment from Account Holder


    At Login window User will enter the User name and password .
    After Login User will come on main window. On Main window there are icons for individual task like:-
    • Business Card
    • Document Upload
    • Loan Interview
    • Field Investigation

    Loan Interview:

    Evaluating the customer on the score parameters and assessing his requirements, which he can repay as per his capacity (Loan Interview).

    It is therefore necessary that maximum information of the customer is collected during the first interaction and fed in the system so that he can be preliminary /interim reply whether bank will be in a position to meet is request or not.

    In the above screen enter the name of person press search button person detail will display on screen.

    After selecting the appropriate row, press OK button, below screen will display for interview detail.

    At this window basic detail of loan like which type of loan is required, what is the purpose of loan and customer detail is asked to customer and fill in the form .

    At this agent ask customer his professional detail like his gross monthly income, net monthly income, year in service, date of birth, retirement date, interest payment period, installment amount etc.

    If guarantor is required then guarantor detail is filled in form.

    Field Investigation : Office

    In this form investigator fill the Office detail like

    Office business premises is owned,parental,spouse etc.

    Office is easily approachable from Railway station, Bus stand etc.

    Locality of Office is Posh, Upper Middle class, Middle class etc.

    Investigator observation Positive,Negative,Neutral etc.

    Collection and 90 day strategy

    Tool : Smart Phone / Tablet / Portal

    Segments to be targeted:

    Segment 1

    Salaried Employees

    Segment 2

    Education Institutes

    Segment 3

    Merchants acquisition

    Segment 4

    Merchant Loans under MUDRA

    Segment 5

    EMandi: Farmers, Suppliers and Buyers

    Segment 6

    Personal loans for Army Men

    Segment 7

    Mudra for Milk Federations like SARAS

    Segment 8

    Housing Society / Merchants supplying to them