Core Banking System

CoBaSys: -Core Banking System and allied products (CBS) CoBaSys CBS is Web based Core Banking Solution which is platform and database independent system giving the freedom to be deployed on any operating system and database.

    Proof Of Concept

    CoBaSys core banking system with right attributes


    timeto market


    customer services


    operational efficiency



    Cobasys CBS ERP USP


    The system requires minimum connectivity to run

    A branch of a bank is functional on GSM SIM network

    Branch can easily undertake all operations on GSM SIM connectivity

    NPA management from marking to settlement

    All modules required by CBS, BC, HRMS, IB and Mobile Banking, Purchase, Sale, Inventory Management, BP and BR, Taxation are covered in the software

    Simple and easy to use

    Mandatory Day end and Central Day end ensuring completion of job

    No back dated entry allowed, only Value Dating

    Cobasys CBS ERP : Technology

    CobaSys CBS ERP is component based & modular and have been built on open industry standard platform. These solutions leverage industry standard protocols and methodologies to seamlessly interface with multiple back office systems and enable banks to offer single point access to various products.
    CobaSys CBS ERP is inherently platform-independent with respect to database, hardware and OS. An open, message-oriented architecture ensures easy deployment, high interoperability and simplified maintenance, all translating into significant cost savings. By implementing a single e-business platform to support consumer, business, and trade clients, banks can leverage their IT infrastructure investments across multiple market segments.
    3 tier Web based Core Banking Solution with real time on line transactions
    • Built on scalable technology with robust functionality (JAVA)
    • Platform Supported – Unix, Linux, Windows
    • Database Supported – Oracle 11g, MS-SQL , MySQL

    Cobasys CBS ERP : Component Architecture

    Cobasys CBS ERP: Technology Framework

    Cobasys CBS ERP : Typical Architecture

    Cobasys CBS ERP : Security