Custom Solutions, Endless Possibilities for Startups and Enterprises

NSCS Corporate Presentation


    Value Proposition

    Functional Offerings

    Regulatory Fitment

    Technical Specifications

    Implementation and Rollout

    Accrued Benefits

    Automated solution for central financial transactions monitoring & controlling facilities along with Business Rules Engine, Alerts Mechanisms and MIS reporting based System seamlessly integrated with the Core Banking System for AML & fraud monitoring capabilities

    The combination of real time / near real-time / batch monitoring capability of the solution improves frequency, volume and also transaction complexity in all branches and offices (Head office, Branch office)

    Reduced risk of “monitoring failure” on suspicious customer’s profile and transaction profile through automated surveillance of the solution

    Automated reporting capability of the solution removes the risk of “reporting failure” on reporting suspicious transactions. Detailed audit trail capability of the solution maintains all case related information’s

    Matured processes reduce implementation hassles and quick deployment cycle.

    Data Acquisition

    AML analysis with AMLSYS centers on the data that is ingested from the Source System of the Bank.

    AMLSYS captures all data required – reference and transaction details – from the Bank’s source systems and subjects it to different money laundering analysis.

    For the purpose of data ingestion, AMLSYS has a proprietary data transfer tool called the Extract-Transform-Load (ETL), which has all the requisite readers to read and import the data from various source systems.

    Supports all industry standard formats for data ingestion into the system, which includes Database, CSV and Flat Files.

    Import of external data from Caution lists or Watch lists, etc. can be uploaded into the system through the Upload facility in AMLSYS. After the initial upload of all existing customer information, import of new customer information or updates to existing information is automated and on an incremental basis.

    Data Validation is activated at import. This functionality will check whether data in a particular field is as per its defined structure or not, the result of which is an exception report indicating the invalid fields. The valid structure of the data needs to be provided by the Bank.

    Functional Overview

    KYC & Customer Profiling

    Customer On-Boarding : Pre-account opening checks using CRM tools

    Integration with core banking solution

    Criteria based KYC Search capability

    Unified view of customer, accounts & transactions

    Validation of missing KYC data elements & Providing facilities to enter the missing data.

    Customer risk assessment and Risk profile view

    KYC change audit trail

    Alert & Case History

    Transaction Monitoring

    Transaction Monitoring is the process of monitoring transactions – either single or multiple transactions in aggregation. Monitoring may be taken up on a real time basis or in an offline mode as per the requirement. Typically for single transaction monitoring, a Real time/ near real time/non real time detection and for aggregated transactions monitoring an off-line detection is suitable.
    • image.png
      • Transaction Scenario
      • Thresholds
      • Control lists/Watch List
      • Deviation from normal transactional behavior
      • Swift Transaction
      • Remittance Transactions
    AMLSYS scrutinizes each and every transaction and qualifies the same against Scenario, thresholds, control lists, dynamic benchmarks and/or user-defined benchmarks.

    Transaction Monitoring

    Transaction Monitoring is the process of monitoring transactions – either single or multiple transactions in aggregation. Monitoring may be taken up on a real time basis or in an offline mode as per the requirement. Typically for single transaction monitoring, a Real time/ near real time/non real time detection and for aggregated transactions monitoring an off-line detection is suitable.
    • image.png
      • Transaction Scenario
      • Thresholds
      • Control lists/Watch List
      • Deviation from normal transactional behavior
      • Swift Transaction
      • Remittance Transactions
    AMLSYS scrutinizes each and every transaction and qualifies the same against Scenario, thresholds, control lists, dynamic benchmarks and/or user-defined benchmarks.

    Real time/ near real time/non real time monitoring

    Identification of suspicious financial transactions

    Integration with third party system

    Pre-defined regulatory suspicious scenarios

    Comprehensive monitoring against product, instrument, channel & customers

    Transaction risk assessment

    In-depth analysis of transactions

    History of suspicious transactions

    Marking suspicious transactions

    Red flag scenario library

    Alert & Case Management

    Scenario Creation / Modification capability

    Segregation of alerts (Scenario/ Customer)

    Automated generation of suspicious alerts

    In-built Workflow

    Analytics Approach

    Case related documents attachments

    Case Re-assignment

    Escalating to Groups

    Multi-Level drill down for ease of investigation

    Geography wise assessment

    Country wise assessment

    Auto Escalation of Cases

    E-mail and sms notification

    User-defined hierarchy setup

    Customer On-Boarding

    As and when any new customer on board in Core Banking System; AML will do following process:

    CBS call a web service of AML for sending customer data into AML system

    AML system will check customer details into Watch list/terror list/UNCR list/UAPA List etc.

    If customer data persists in list then AML system send response to CBS system that whether customer is genuine or defaulter as per the list.

    Any watch list can be upload in AML system as per the Governing Authorities of Country.

    UNCR List: Issued by United Nations Security Council resolution to cover various terrorist organizations and individuals like “Al-Qaida”, “Taliban” etc.

    UAPA List: List is issued by Unlawful activities Prevention Act 1967 by Govt. of India.

    AMLSYS:- List Screening

    AMLSYS provides a facility where the bank can choose the lists that it wants to screen its customers against. Broadly two kinds of lists are supported – Published lists termed as ‘Caution Lists’.

    Caution lists are lists external published by Regulators such as the Central Banks of the Countries, FIUs, Home Ministry, Crime Investigation Agencies and OFAC. These may also include the Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) List. World check, Factiva, UN Sanction list, OFAC lists are examples of prescribed caution lists. These lists would have to be provided in a certain specified structure.

    AMLSYS also allows the User to assign an appropriate risk weight to the list for close monitoring of constituent customer accounts.

    List Manager is used to scan customers against various Caution lists/ Watch lists and manage consequent matches. Customers can be screened against the identified lists on the basis of various attributes available in the customer information. Customer Scanning is done during data import.

    AMLSYS employs a Fuzzy Match algorithm for screening Customer and beneficiary names against Caution lists and Watch lists. The

    The “Trusted List” function can be used to avoid getting match-hits for a “spotless” or “trusted” customer or can be used to list customers for whom a reduced monitoring is required

    Integration with Core Banking Solution

    • AMLSYS captures all data required – reference and transaction details – from the Bank’s source systems and subjects it to different money laundering analysis.
      • Extract: The extract function reads data from a source database and extracts the desired subset of data. The purpose of this step is to retrieve all the required data from the source system.
      • Transform: This function filters, cleanses, and prepares the extracted data using lookup tables or rules or by creating combinations with Customer data.
      • Analytical & Rule Engine: On this layer run analytical & rule engine (Scenario Created) on the transform data.
      • Load: The loading is the last stage of an ETL process. The load function writes the resulting data into target data repository
    • ETL are three separate but crucial functions combined into a single tool that helps in preparing data and in the management of AMLSYS Database.

    Unified view of Customer, Accounts & Transactions

    AMLSYS have facility to show complete Customer profile along with Account details, Transactions overview and investigation history in a unified way.

    Account Details & Transactions

    • All the information shown for the customer are specific and detailed.
      • Customer details with customer Risk Rating allotted.
      • All the account nos. of customer with Balance exist in account.
      • Search facility for transactions are provided on various filters like account no., amount, transaction mode, Date Range etc.

    Validation of missing KYC data elements

    KYC is establish the identity of the client: This means identifying the customer and verifying his identity by using reliable, independent source data or information.

    In case of individuals, bank will obtain demographic data to verify the identity of the customer and his photograph.

    In case of non-individuals, bank will obtain identification data to:

    • Verify the legal status of entity
    • Verify the identity of authorized signatories
    • Verify the identity of Beneficiaries

    AMLSYS perform this task at the time of Data Integration only through ETL process and shows the missing KYC data found and provides the option to fill the missing data.

    AMLSYS also provides detailed report on missing KYC information of customer.

    KYC Change Audit Trail

    Audit trail provides history of a transaction. A transaction can be define as customer’s demographic data changes, transaction related changes, scenario related changes.
    • AMLSYS facilitates users to track and trace any change in KYC data of customer.
    • Audit trail generates on real time basis.
    • AMLSYS shows any deviation/missing data finding in customer data in audit trail.

    Transactions Scenarios

    AML transaction monitoring technology services include:

    Developing and executing a sound and efficient scenario tuning methodology and approach

    Performing any or all of the following tasks by acting as an independent team:

    • AML red flag gap analysis
    • Worst-case scenario analysis
    • Data validation
    • Scenario logic validation
    • Threshold values validation

    Performing customer segmentation

    Recommending improvements to scenarios/thresholds

    Alert & Case History

    AMLSYS Provide the facility to customer wise history as following:-
    • Case History
    • Alert History
    • Watch list, Black list & Terrorist list History

    Analytics Approach on Scenario

    An effective scenario tuning methodology will help ensure the transaction monitoring system is effective and sustainable by combining both an analytics and an expert judgment approach.
    Analytics Approach

    Above-/below-line testing – The threshold values are adjusted in a tuning environment and an alert generation cycle is executed such that the alerts can be reviewed by end.

    Adjustments to thresholds can be made using statistical analysis of the customers transactions, moving them above or below predetermined multiples of the standard deviation.

    Pseudo investigations – A thorough investigation of alerts generated, Investigators/compliance professionals to assess the alerts being generated by the implemented scenarios. The key consideration points are the ratio of good versus bad alerts, operational impacts (alert volumes and staffing levels).

    AMLSYS- Complete AML solution

    Complete AML solution on the single page. This page gives detailed information of the task as following:
    Analytics Approach

    Searching Criteria are available From – To Date, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Half-Yearly etc.


    Tabular Chart: With the drilldown facility show all the result category wise and scenario wise. No. of records are Opened, Added, Closed, Escalated and In process.

    PIE Chart: Scenario type or Scenario wise show the no. of records.

    Bar Chart: Provide the information Scenario type or Scenario wise with no. of record are
    Opened, Added, Closed, Escalated and In-process.

    Current assigned task show of the logged user. He will take the action.Scenario wise result with current status.

    Scenario Type Master & Access right

    Define the scenario type for use the type of scenario
    • Transaction wise
    • Customer wise
    • etc.
    Define Scenario type access type:
    • Violated result Alert can display on selected designation
    • Alert close : Only selected role have option for closure of alert.
    • Allow Create Case : Only selected role have option for create case on alerts.
    • Allow Marking STR : Only selected role have option for mark to STR to the created case.

    Remark Master

    Facility to define default remarks.

    Scenario Master

    Suspicious transaction monitoring systems enable to monitor their customers’ transaction behavior systematically by providing relevant scenarios/rules that analyze the underlying customer transactions and generate automated alerts of activity that may be unusual and indicative of potential money laundering.

    These alerts are then reviewed by a team of investigators to determine if the activity truly is unusual according to defined scenario and logic.

    Geographical Risk Category

    AMLSYS risk assessment that identifies and considers all products and services, customer types, geographic locations, and transaction volumes in determining inherent and residual risks.

    Mail Template

    Mail / SMS Configuration

    Criteria based KYC Search Capability

    Criteria based KYC Search Capability Result

    Alert Management – Scenario wise violation

    Customer/Branch wise Alert

    • AMLSYS provide to view alert to user customer wise or branch wise.
    • User can sorting on the Date, Scenario, Customer and branch wise.
    • User can Search any of them displayed on the list.

    Case Management- Create Case

    When a non-compliant activity is detected, it triggers an alert that is sent to the appropriate stakeholder.

    Using configurable workflows, the solution assigns responsibility to  investigate the alert and logs all activities to create an accurate and comprehensive audit trail of all actions taken.

    My Case – Case Study

    Show the all Cases and work on Cases of the user.

    Non-Profit Organization Report

    All cash transactions integrally connected to each other which have been individually valued below rupees ten lakh where such series of transactions have taken place within a month and the monthly aggregate exceeds an amount of ten lakh rupees.

    Report Name
    File Name

    Customer Screening

    Top 10 Branch Reporting STR

    Other System Specifications


    Data Archiving and Purging

    Error Handling

    Monitor & Report System Performance

    Available & Reliable

    Support & Maintenance



    Data Mapping

    Online Reporting

    Implementation Approach

    Define key stakeholders and participants in the selection process

    Define scope, including users, modules, level of customization/centralization and potential solution structure

    Deliberate & Agree upon project timelines and key milestones

    Conduct kick-off meeting and project overview with key stakeholders

    Help establish initial communication planning to the user base to create initial awareness and project support

    Begin reviewing existing business and technical documentation (As-is) of the organization’s current environment

    Establish an Billing / ERP project governance structure to guide the evaluation process, team, scope, and deliverables

    Establish initial Organizational Change Management planning

    Establish a PMU office at UPPCL for information sharing and project management

    Implementation Execution Planning

    Assess long-term strategic goals and objectives. (Includes a high level overview of where the organization wants to go in the next several years)

    Assess ideas and plans for execution that are required in the short and long term

    Assess pain points (possible challenges) around the use of technology

    Deliberate on software standardization pros and cons

    Deliberate on Industry standards & Best Practices adoption & Change Management process & Ownership

    Deliberate of IT strategy pros and cons

    Outline desired future state business model to include process standardization and shared services (assess organization structural changes).
    Risk assessment and mitigation strategies.

    Project Risk Coversage approach